Ethan Williamson

I am incredibly grateful for the years I spent in Impact. Before coming to UMKC, I didn’t have many friends and much of my faith was practiced independently. I was blessed to discover Impact where I learned that the Christian walk does not have to be walked alone. I found a Christ-centered community during a period of great change and transition, and as a result I was able to grow closer to God and to others. I met people with whom I could be open, honest, and transparent and have made life-long friends.
In many ways, Impact defined my undergraduate experience. I do not know how my life would have been different if I hadn’t joined, but I know I wouldn’t have become the person that I am now.
Than you for your support of Impact. With your help, Travis and Britney have been able to bring the love of Christ to people who truly need it. Christians and non-Christians, groups and individuals, young and old have all benefited from this ministry. I have seen lives changed because of it.
Ethan graduated UMKC with his Master’s degree in History. He relocated to Florida and is working through a doctoral program.