Our mission is to bring the hope and peace of Jesus to Kansas City area college students. We do this by partnering with churches, individuals/families, and college students and providing:
- Training and Support
- Coaching
- Ministry Evaluations
- Internships and Apprenticeships
- Connections and Networking
- Resources
- Shared mission opportunities
- On-campus events & evangelism
- Citywide opportunities for fellowship and worship
We strongly affirm the vital role of the local church in the discipleship of college students. Our goal is not to replace or diminish the church’s role in their lives but to support and strengthen it!

Gospel Saturation
Bringing the gospel to every student on every campus.
Life Transformation
Discipling every college student from conversion to maturity.
Church Participation
Connecting churches and college students to each other
Ministry Multiplication
Multiplying gospel-centered, disciple-making communities.
The Need for College Ministry
There are over 70,000 college students in the Kansas City Metro area.
We should expect great things from the God who loves these college students even more than we do. And we should attempt great things for the God who has placed these missions fields before us.

College ministry is necessary because:
- The college campus is increasingly hostile toward Christianity.
- Over 70% of active, church-going youth stop attending church for at least a year during college.
- College students are looking for hope, answers, and meaning.
College ministry is strategic because:
- College students are the future leaders of the world – and the church.
- Some of life’s major decisions are made during the college years – who to marry, where to live, what to become, what to believe.
- College students are one of the most unevangelized people groups in North America.