Lizzy Rosenbaum
Campus Missionary –
MCC Blue River
My Story
I was raised in a family that honored the Lord. I knew from a young age that I wanted to follow Jesus after seeing how good God is. However, it wasn’t until I was a young adult that I learned how to surrender everything to God in my relationship with Him. After graduating high school, my family and I made a big move to Kansas City. I didn’t know many people, so I wanted to connect and meet new people. I started attending Blue River Community College and was introduced to Collegiate Impact through campus Bible Study. I saw how lives were being changed through the spreading of the gospel on the college campus and knew I wanted to be a part of this God-glorifying ministry!
My Role
My role with Collegiate Impact through the collegiate apprenticeship program is to share the love and light of Jesus with College students at Blue River Community College. As a follower of Christ, it is my mission to introduce students to the gospel and its great accompanying hope.
Lizzy would love to have you as a financial partner in her ministry! You can give online or by mail and designate your gift to Lizzy. Please note that if Lizzy’s ministry is already fully funded, your donation will go toward a similar area of ministry with the greatest need.
Lizzy would love to connect with you as she seeks to reach the students in the greater Kansas City area. If you are interested in joining her prayer team, receiving her newsletters, or partnering in any other way, please reach out to her.