The year(s) immediately following college are transitional years. Many recent grads have the flexibility to give a year of their life to the Kingdom in a unique way before the demands of a family and career settle in.
If that sounds like you, why not participate in what God is doing on campuses across Kansas City by becoming a Collegiate Impact Intern? As a recent grad, you have invaluable wisdom and experience to pass along to the students behind you. Plus, you’ll get equipped to make disciples and lead a community on mission wherever God takes you next – in your neighborhood, in your workplace, as a parent, and beyond!
As a Collegiate Ministry Intern, you’ll be paired with a Campus Missionary on a campus with an existing ministry. You can work part time and intern part-time, or raise support to intern full-time as you serve alongside the Campus Missionary helping their ministry in whatever ways they need. Either way, you’ll be trained with the essential foundation, tools, and experience to go into the next season of life as a disciple maker.

Internship Components
Hands-on Ministry Opportunities
Internship Objectives
- Be trained to be a disciple maker for life no matter where God calls you next
- Receive valuable ministry experience and mentorship from a seasoned campus missionary
- Learn more about the unique strengths and gifts God has given you
- Help a Campus Missionary have a greater impact on their campus
At the end of your internship, if you begin to sense God leading you toward a career in college ministry, we can merge you into the 2-year Apprenticeship to be sent out as a Campus Missionary.