
Friday, September 27th
5:00pm – Check-In
5:30pm – Dinner
6:30pm – Group Time 1
7:10pm – Data Dump
7:40pm – Group Time 2
8:45pm – Campfire
9:15pm – Nighttime Games
10:00pm – Free Time
11:00pm – Quiet Time and Lights Out at Cabins
1:00am – Everyone in Bed

Saturday, September 28th
8:30am – Breakfast
9:00am – Group Time 3
10:30am – Small Group Time
11:30am –Walk with God/Search Scriptures
12:15pm – Lunch
1:00pm – Game
1:30pm – Debrief and Intro to Execute
1:45pm – Execute
2:30pm – Free Time
5:00pm – Dinner
6:00pm – Group Time 4
7:15pm – Small Group Time
8:00pm – Game and Prize
9:00pm – Closing
9:15pm – Free Time
11:00pm – Quiet around cabins and lights out in cabins
1:00am – Everyone in Bed

Sunday, September 29th
8:00am – Breakfast
9:30am – Clean up and leave


We hope to see you at our Fall Retreat